About Value Works
Not all content is public. You have to be a ValueWorks productive or pilot customer to use Google Oauth. When logged into ValueWorks software, you can use Google Oauth to extract Google data to do analytics on a wider set of available data, like combining marketing insights with ERP insights.
When you sign in we will get access to your marketing related data including sessions, users, bounces, bounceRate, sessionDuration, avgSessionDuration, uniqueDimensionCombinations and hits. As long as you don’t revoke the refresh token we will have access to that data.
If you have any questions, you can write an e-mail to support@valueworks.ai.
Google OAuth2 Homepage
Accurately represents your app’s identity: The valueworks.ai system is a software in the space of Executive Management Systems including Analytics, helping the C-Level of companies make better decisions based on a wide set of data from different transaction systems. It is a software that can be accessed via the cloud (web browser) once you have a productive or pilot agreement with ValueWorks GmbH.
What will this app do with user data? The marketing related data will be used to do analytics, especially machine learning, on a broader data set like combining information from marketing, ERP and sales systems to do better predictions on dependent variables like recurring revenue or customer churn.
How does this app enhance user functionality? The app enhances user functionality by bringing data sets from different domains together and hence enables the C-level customers to make better predictions. In additions, the figures are re-calculated or shown to the user as “key performance indicators” to measure the overall performance of their business.
Link to Privacy Policy: https://valueworks.ai/privacy-policy/
Describe the content, context, or connection to the app: The valueworks.ai software enables C-level executives to improve their planning, reporting and execution process out of one hand. Therefore, we extract data from different data sources to enable the customers doing analytics on a broader set of data, including website data from Google.
Google OAuth2 Limited Use Disclosure
This app doesn’t request restricted scopes, but if it did, the ValueWorks App’s use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.
If you have a copyright complaint, please tell support@valueworks.ai and include the valueworks.ai url that contains the alleged content, identification of the work claimed to have been infringed including the name and reply email address of the copyright holder/representative, an assertion that the use of the material is not authorized and an assertion that you are the copyright holder/representative.
Privacy Police
This is a corporate website. The use of Google data only relates to productive and pilot customer users. No information is given to other parties, except this site does include google analytics which records anonymized browsing behaviour. This site uses cookies as described below.
How does this application access, use, store, or share Google user data? The user data received is name, email and profile picture and marketing related data including sessions, users, bounces, bounceRate, sessionDuration, avgSessionDuration, uniqueDimensionCombinations and hits. These are accessed via OAuth2 login. These are stored in an encrypted database. These are used fort he purposes described above: showing content and making better predictions. None of this data is shared with anyone. By continuing to use this site, you accept this privacy policy in full. If you disagree with this policy, you must not use this site.
Cookies are short messages sent from your browser to websites you visit. This site uses cookies. By using this site you consent to the use of cookies.
This site uses cookies to identify who is logged in, and google analytics uses cookies to record anonymized browsing behaviour.
Terms of Service
When you are a valueworks.ai software user, you already have signed the terms of service described above and in the productive and pilot agreement. Therefore, you accept these terms of agreement in full.