Wolfgang Faisst

Co-founder & CEO at ValueWorks

ValueTalk „Investing in turbulent times” mit Heinz Raufer, Ekkehard Franzke und Andreas Lukic

In unserem letzten ValueTalk haben wir mit drei unserer Advisors und Investoren ĂĽber relevante Fragestellungen im Bereich „Funding und Management von Start-ups und mittelständischen Unternehmen in aktuellen Zeiten der Rezession“ diskutiert.  Im Vordergrund stand die Frage, was die GeschäftsfĂĽhrung eines Start-ups oder eines mittelständischen Unternehmens aktuell tun sollte, um mit Erfolg durch die Krise zu […]

ValueTalk „Investing in turbulent times” mit Heinz Raufer, Ekkehard Franzke und Andreas Lukic Read More »

OKR 1.0 vs. OKR 2.0 – What is the difference?

In this article, we discuss the difference between OKR 1.0 and OKR 2.0. The OKR framework breaks down the corporate strategy into clearly defined “Objectives” and “Key Results”. While the “Objective” describes the desired target state and is mostly qualitative, the related “Key Results” provide a quantitative measurement and metrics for progress. In recent years,

OKR 1.0 vs. OKR 2.0 – What is the difference? Read More »

Pressemitteilung Dienstleistungsunternehmen

ValueWorks bietet ab heute eine branchenspezifische Lösung für Dienstleistungsunternehmen

KARLSRUHE, Deutschland, 20. Juni 2022: ValueWorks, das intelligente Betriebssystem für die Geschäftsführung von Startups und mittelständischen Unternehmen, hat heute den Start einer branchenspezifischen Lösung für Dienstleistungsunternehmen wie Management-Beratungen, IT-Beratungsfirmen, Kreativ- und Medienagenturen sowie Personalberatungen bekanntgegeben. ValueWorks bietet eine Cloud-basierte, voll responsive, integrierte und intelligente Unternehmenssoftware an, die schwerpunktmäßig für Nutzer aus der Geschäftsführung und leitende

ValueWorks bietet ab heute eine branchenspezifische Lösung für Dienstleistungsunternehmen Read More »


ESG for Tech Companies: How to quickly fulfill the expectations of investors, public authorities & young talents

Situation Investors are increasingly demanding transparent communication of the implications of corporate actions for the environment and society, as well as their consequences for the business model, as part of ESG (environmental, social and governance) reporting. Significant developments are also currently taking place at the regulatory level and among various private sector organizations that will

ESG for Tech Companies: How to quickly fulfill the expectations of investors, public authorities & young talents Read More »

Microsoft for Startups

Microsoft for Startups: UnterstĂĽtzung fĂĽr ein schnelleres Wachstum

ValueWorks ist Teil des Microsoft-Startup-Programms. Möglichkeiten des Programms beinhalten zahlreiche Vorteile, wie zum Beispiel individuelle Beratung in technischen Fragestellungen zu Microsoft und Microsoft Cloud sowie eine Beratung über die Azure Data Services. Zudem werden nach mehreren Scoping-Sessions die Fragestellungen und Ansätze mit Experten von Microsoft durchgesprochen und die Lösungsvorschläge diskutiert. Auch werden uns durch das

Microsoft for Startups: Unterstützung für ein schnelleres Wachstum Read More »

ValueWorks launching enterprise software saas vertical solution

ValueWorks is launching an Enterprise Software/ Software-as-a Service vertical solution

KARLSRUHE, Germany, April 22nd 2022: ValueWorks, the intelligent operating system for executives has launched today an industry specific solution for Enterprise Software / Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies as part of ValueWorks’ executive management suite. ValueWorks has developed its Enterprise Software/Saas vertical solution through its co-innovation partnership program with leading SaaS startups and SMEs that include amongst

ValueWorks is launching an Enterprise Software/ Software-as-a Service vertical solution Read More »

Project Profitability Calculation

How ValueWorks helps professional services companies to enhance the profitability of their projects

Situation: complex cost-structures of projects in professional service companies Professional service companies as management consultancies, IT consultancies, creative -, media- or recruitment agencies work in a project-based business model. The project code serves as the primary key to merge data around a project such as turnover and costs of individual projects. Costs in the professional

How ValueWorks helps professional services companies to enhance the profitability of their projects Read More »

Total Cost of Ownership comparison: Traditional BI project vs. ValueWorks

ValueWorks provides a cost-effective and significantly faster alternative to a traditional BI project to build appropriate enterprise control. ValueWorks reduces the total cost of ownership (TCO) by more than 50%. The following article presents a sample calculation. The traditional approach in the area of business management is to build an individual solution using BI tools

Total Cost of Ownership comparison: Traditional BI project vs. ValueWorks Read More »

ValueWorks successfully closes pre-seed round and wins Heinz Raufer as investor

Karlsruhe, Germany, 18. December 2021: ValueWorks was founded in 2020 as the first software solution with a real focus on executives as users and offers the intelligent operating system for all management tasks. The founders are long-time experts in enterprise software (especially SAP) and top management consulting (Bain & Company, McKinsey) and have mapped their

ValueWorks successfully closes pre-seed round and wins Heinz Raufer as investor Read More »

ValueWorks – Great improvements of the OKR module with release 1.3

Newsbyte – Karlsruhe, Germany: With the 1.3 release, we have added a lot of improvements to our OKR (Objectives & Key Results) module. In part, they are the result of the feedback we received from the customers, who are actively using the solution, and in part they are the result of the shortcomings we identified

ValueWorks – Great improvements of the OKR module with release 1.3 Read More »

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